Wield Words Well
People today often ask why they should read ancient literature. The reason? Because authors such as Geoffrey Chaucer still have something to say to our generation.
By Shawn McCowan
The medieval writer Geoffrey Chaucer didn’t know the modern children’s author Dr. Seuss, but Chaucer knew, as the children’s humorist knew, that “From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere” (Seuss).
By Eli Gemmill (12th grade)
Undeniably, Beowulf should be read by modern readers as it shows the benefits of bravery, the dangers of pridefulness, and illustrates the culture of Medieval Europe. The themes this epic illustrates are as relevant as ever, and this is the reason why it should be read by all people who struggle with the same ageless issues that people dealt with even in Medieval times.
by Shawn McCowan
June 2022
By far, perhaps in this generation unlike any other, the biggest obstacle for teachers is to recognize and overcome the human tendency toward acedia – indifference or apathy – both in our students and in ourselves.
By Eli Gemmill (11th grade)
May 2022
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
-Martin Luther King Jr. (1964)
Several decades later, this quote is still quite applicable to society. The year is 2022. Tensions reach new heights as politically polarized groups entrench themselves in verbal warfare. The internet has only worsened the problem, allowing forum users to find others who share their same views while ignoring the views of others.
by Eli Gemmill
May 28, 2021
“If a man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life” (Plato). This quote from the Greek philosopher Plato is applicable to a modern conflict taking place in our schools.